Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mapping of the Mind

I'm a big fan of mind mapping software for brainstorming, project management/planning, and other functions. It's one of those technologies that's easy to fall in love with, so one has to take care not to get carried away with overusing it, and letting the medium dominate the message. An example is trying too hard to squeeze it into a meeting. I think mind maps are great for documenting and synopsis of meetings, but running presentations from them is awkward at best.

I've been using Mindjet Mindmapper to graphically capture and plot out thoughts for several years now. I'm becoming nervous now that my trusted standby is going to be outdated quickly with the emergence of open source web-based mappers. I'd tested out bubbl.us and was unimpressed by and large, but the price is just right. It's fine for basic brainstorming.

The real threat comes from mindmeister. This allows you to create and collaborate on maps of this "interweb", but also gives you the ability to import maps from other sources, such as... Mindjet! I strongly suggest checking this out and registering.

My hope is that free and open mindmapping solutions will make the world more proficient with use of the software, and creative and logical with its application.

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