Monday, August 11, 2008


The future is upon us! Actually, it's not that new, I first heard about FogScreen a few years ago, but now they've got something to look at. Check this out.

FogScreen, as the name implies, is a screen made out of fog. It's like any screen that images and media would be projected upon, but the light from the projector is actually reflected from minuscule droplets of water instead of a solid surface. The effect looks like a hologram. Obviously anything remotely holographesque is by it's very nature cool in that nerdy sci-fi use of the word cool.

They position the technology as a marketing display tool or nifty element for a swanky nightclub. But screens are also big in meetings. We meeting nerds also deserve access to these novelties.

Replacing a regular screen in a meeting with one of these would be sacrificing some image quality for coolness sake. Possibly worthwhile, depending on the objectives of the meeting. Spectacle can be a good icebreaker. But apparently there is greater advantage than spectacle now. Somehow (I have to assume it's magic), the FogScreen can now be used as a touch-screen. Gathering people around something similar to a hologram and having them manipulate images or documents may be a legitimate benefit over existing options because people can view it from all angles.


Unknown said...

About the FogScreen(tm), i just came in contact with this since i have started to consider buying a projector. Of course, i don't think that a normal person will be able to buy one at the moment. However, i have seen that this seller called says that he has the same product under the name Futura Screen way cheaper. Has anyone tried that? Is Futura Screen exacly the same thing?
Thank you

Anonymous said...

check out for videos of the Fogscreen

Anonymous said...

I am that guy that the 2nd user is talking about, I am Natan. In answer to his question, Yes, Futura screen is the same thing as FogScreen™ but with a Chinese Patent. To help you to understand, it is like the LCD TV, it was brought out by a brand, however,now almost every brand has one or several LCD TV´s on the market. On brought the idea, the others, sadly, copied it, the same with the CD, the DVD and the list is long. Hope that that answer your question.