Thursday, May 8, 2008

Un-Collaborative Tendencies... And a New Toy!!!

Just threw a new camera on the ol' laptop, and couldn't resist creating my first video weblog. It raises the important question of using technology when technology is not really necessary. You'll see that the medium isn't leveraged to add any specific value. The same is true for all collaborative technologies. Some are pretty sexy, so a decision is made to include them before desired outcomes are defined. We nerds sometimes can't help ourselves.

Anyhow, the video was recorded immediately after a team meeting with respected colleagues who have become trusted friends. Like any closely knit team, some of our collaborative practices were slipping or non existent. We met to readdress the way we interact.

Tendencies. A big thing I got out of this was tendencies. We all have them, positive and negative. How do we provide feedback that isn't attacking people or shaming them for tendencies? How do we receive feedback so that we progress towards all positive tendencies?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The technology might not be necessary, but could be beneficial. There could be readers of this blog who actually take in information better through auditory sources rather than visual. The more forms of media provided, the more varied an audience you could potentially have.

Also, having a face to go with the ideas does, in my opinion, help to create a connection between the party delivering the blog and the one reading/listening. And in order to get your ideas read or heard, having a connection to the audience is important.

That being said, I'll continue to read regardless of any further video posts.