Saturday, May 17, 2008

Censorship to Rear its Ugly Head?

Currently "new media" is exempt from the rules that govern radio and television broadcasts in Canada. Now web audio and video content may come under scrutiny from broadcasting authorities. See in depth article here.

This would be too unfortunate for the living internet. If laws were imposed in Canada to restrict certain content, where would it stop? Scarier still, is that they are revisiting this subject to possibly mandate Canadian content on on-line broadcasting services! Canada has a lot to offer, and the good stuff will be discovered. "Can-Con" is a travesty that breeds mediocrity in Canadian arts, and has even helped to create a general comfort with mediocrity throughout a great country. Par example; Stephen Harper.

The internet is a free market currently, where the cream rises to the top by the selection of the masses, and exposure is totally distributed. Why mess with this system? This can only damage Canadian sites, not improve Canadian culture.

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