Sunday, April 6, 2008

Elderly Spanish Fellow

Paleontologists in Spain have unearthed evidence of human ancestory in Spain from 1.3 million years ago. The remains indicate that humans occupied Europe about 500,000 years earlier than what has been accepted until now. As discoveries like this mount, we will get a clearer picture of how our species evolved, and sustained.

Part of what sustained the sapient hominid was their (is our?) tribal orientation. Whether it be eradicating competing homo-erectus subsets, slaughtering a wooly mammoth, or more generatively; developing methods to grow food instead of gathering it, hominids functioned in tribes to accomplish feats necessary to their survival.

Communication advances like the advent of language would have seen a punctuated spike in the gradual evolution of our ability to collaborate effectively. I wonder how the internet and would compare on that timeline? It's important that we look at what biological and physiological traits have helped us to get where we are in terms of collaboration, as well as looking at creating and leveraging technologies to supplement collaboration. This Spanish guy might show us the path to some answers.

More on evolution real soon...

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