Monday, March 17, 2008

The Singularity is Really Near Now

Big, somewhat terrifying news today from clairvoyant author of The Singularity is Near, Ray Kurzweil. Read the post here. I guess there's a quorum of supra-geniuses out there that are developing these nifty little robots (symbiotic evolutionary robot organisms to the layperson) that can interact with each other to behave as swarms. Kinda like a bunch of cells working together to form a single organism.

The bite size robots communicate (by magic, I think) and share resources amongst themselves to represent the best interests of the whole, which is essentially one entity.

What are we going to take from this? There's the Kurzweil inevitability that our selves (souls? minds?) will enter this unified machine and be a part of the one shared life... and immortal to boot. In the meantime, we can hopefully get our hands on some of this technology/magic to improve the way we communicate in flesh form. Maybe a feed to the robots to express to them our candid needs, and they could feed this to the most appropriate interlocutor on the grid. For example, if I dictate to my robot that I would like a beer, then the symbiot robot web would inform a neighbouring bartender that the handsome blonde guy at the end of the bar needs a beer.

Where are all of my commentors? Where would you see this technology taking us in the near future in terms of communications and collaboration?

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